Vinnie the Hoddie Wins in Style at Newton Abbot

Firstly THANK YOU to everyone for their very kind messages of congratulation (there have literally been hundreds), on Vinnie The Hoddie’s win at Newton Abbot.

It was a truly magical day, not only because it was The Nascent Partnership’s first winner, but because it was so wonderful to see Vinnie run with confidence and really enjoy himself, under an absolutely superb ride from David Noonan.

Vinnie is a horse who has had some issues with ulcers and his breathing, and to this end our Vet, James Bosley, and all the team at Dilliway and Bosley Equine Vets, have worked wonders.

James’ advice, treatment and care of our horses is second to none.

It was really rewarding to see Vinnie jump so beautifully and with such confidence, and this is all down to Jacky Andrews and Ann Tideswell at Hyperion.

Vinnie and I go for monthly gridwork jumping sessions with Jacky, and in this time his confidence to go in deep to an obstacle and snap up quickly with his front legs, has improved beyond compare. In a race you can’t always meet a fence on the correct stride and in this instance a horse needs to know where his feet are and needs to be able to go in deep and pop. When this happens they also need to be able to land and gallop away quickly from the fence without losing momentum. Vinnie did this with aplomb on Friday, which is a big improvement.

The regular gridwork sessions, which he loves, with Jacky, who is a superb and confidence giving coach, have made all the difference.

Without wanting to bore, I must thank all the team at home, without whom Training, let alone training a winner, would be impossible:

Massive thanks to: Lydia Svennson who puts up with me daily, rides Vinnie most mornings and whose input is absolutely invaluable; Emz Walling who does evening stables for us when we go racing; Ros Steel who makes the yard look beautiful with her gardening skills; Steve and Ashley Pidgeon for their never ending patience and go-faster shoes; Amy Cox for her most excellent Vet Physio work; James Bosley and all the team at Dilliway & Bosley; Ulli Arnold and all at Moorgate Vets; Elaine Tyley; all at Hedgemoor and 7Acre Farm; and last but by no means least, my very loyal Owners, who have continued to keep the faith and have stood by me during the lean spell and without whose support I would not be here.

and…nots let forget David Noonan who has stuck by us through thick and thin and is the most loyal of Jockeys.

The day was made extra special by the venue. Newton Abbot Racecourse has always been a special place for my family and when we run there I feel erally at home, mostly because I am surrounded by people I love and respect, and who, for some reason, seem to love us too.

A magical day all round….thanks to everyone!


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